Midsouth Aging Consultant​

Helping the Helpers: Toolkit for Supporting Caregivers of Complex Care Patients
Calling all clinicians, social workers, counselors, and therapists! Midsouth Aging Consultant now has available, "Helping the Helpers: Toolkit for Supporting Caregivers of Complex Care Patients", a 70+ page comprehensive guide that covers identifying symptoms of caregiver burnout, how to open honest conversations, assessment tools, making referrals, local and national resource guide, online education opportunities, barriers and solutions to providing caregiver care, billing codes, patient handouts and more. Order a copy for your office and use it over and over! Not available via digital download, hard copy only.

Making the Case for Age-Friendly Communities: A Comprehensive Guide for High-Quality Senior Programming
Calling all libraries, community centers, parks departments and museums! The comprehensive senior programming guide is designed to help you identify the needs and wants of your older adult consumers, understand ageist stereotypes and cultural diversity among modern older adults, understand the social isolation crisis, understand dementia, and provide practical ideas for creating or enhancing a well-rounded program. This guide contains information on best-practice program models, integrating virtual programs, advice on how to establish a Memory Cafe, local and national resource guide, grant funding opportunities, continuing education opportunities, and much more! This spiral-bound guide can be used over and over and also includes templates, handouts, and other materials that you can copy and reuse. Order your copy today and watch your programs take flight and increase revenue! Available via digital download.

A Year of Meaningful Activities for Seniors
Even the best of Activity Directors need some inspiration now and again! This robust, 170-page programming guide features hundreds of activity ideas for each month of the year, activities that can be done any time, programs for individuals with dementia, helpful products, and more! Activities are also identified by the 8 Dimensions of Wellness so that you can know you are offering a well-rounded program. Buy once and use it over and over! Available via digital download.

A Year of Meaningful, Dementia-Friendly Activity Themes:
An Idea and Resource Guide
If you work in memory care, adult day care, or are involved in a Memory Cafe, this is the book for you! Each month features 6 complete activity themes that include ideas for refreshments, music, history, games, movement, creative arts, brain games, sensory activities, and more. With over 400 pages with color pictures and detailed instructions, it takes the guesswork out of planning activities for those with dementia! Available via digital download only.

Mindfulness Activities for Seniors
An Idea and Resource Guide
This helter-skelter modern day life of busyness and stress can make many older people feel anxious, depressed, and overwhelmed. This idea and resource guide has 8 activities for each of its 5 categories: Purposeful Movement, Mindfulness Through Creativity, Mindfulness Through Music, Mindfulness Through Nature, and Purposeful Hydration. These activities are intentionally designed with older adults unique needs in mind and assists with stress reduction and coping skills, isolation reduction, and good overall well-being. Available via digital download or hard copy.

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